• Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann
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Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

Leadership E-Book

Nowadays business leaders and change makers have the right skillset to adapt, evolve systems and drive meaningful change. They focus on continuous growth and navigate creation dynamics; and they understand and facilitate employer wellbeing, support networks and flexible work as three key elements of human-centric businesses.

Consequently, business leaders and change makers need to link people communication to innovation communication which makes a difference for future-ready organizations to show up as leaders. Innovation communication is more than a communication field in corporate communication / PR, it is a new way of thinking in leadership, strategic management and strategy.

E-Book 'The Future of Leadership Communication'

Effective communication is at the heart of good leadership; and communication and innovation are indispensable. Strong communication skills and tools allow leaders to foster collaborative innovation, build a culture of empathy and clearly communicate visionary ideas in a way that ignites passion and empowers people to imagine and co-create a valuable future.

Learn with this e-book how to link people communication to innovation communication to design powerful, purpose-driven communication experiences that truly makes a difference and build meaningful, innovative and future-ready organizations. This e-book is your guide to...

PhD in Innovation Communication - Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann partners with business leaders and change makers to intentionally create a company's future and bring ideas into existence. With her background in strategy and communication for innovation she guides, teaches and facilitates leaders on their journey. She co-edited leadership books and offers insights, new perspectives and an interdiciplinary view to better communicate new ideas and reach a new level of innovation communication.

Connect with her and follow her on LinkedIn and discover her work and more on her website.


Communication Models

Innovation Communication

What's New

The Future

Service title: E-book The Future of Leadership Communication

Service subtitle: People communication linked to innovation communication: A guide for leaders

Version: 1.0/25

Language: English

Type: PDF file

Service: E-book, 120 pages

Delivery date: Immediate download

Payment: Direct payment via bank transfer

Price TOTAL: 142.80Euro

100% Cutting-edge

Discovering an innovative theme in (new) leadership

Innovation Communication

Focusing on innovation communication for strategic leaders

For Brilliant Leaders

Deeper understanding the innovation-communication view

Communication Models

Learning more about the importance of communication models

Let's Get Started.


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