It’s Time to Rethink How to Create Growth Opportunities
by Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann, February 27, 2025
It is the ‘too good to be true’, golden age of high-tech innovation, new cozy co-working spaces and innovative playgrounds worldwide which allow to start a business venture and create new avenues for personal and business success. Perfect, isn’t it?!
But why leads open innovation and digital transformation only to survival, growth, and prosperity for some organizations and systems? Why do systems become more and more split? What is the missing piece of knowledge that when applied can truly help a firm and people to be empowered and benefit from new digital concepts, shared disruptive ideas and business ventures?
This article focuses on the human-leadership part in the open innovation economy and era of profound digital transformation and in particular on the pressing need for a better understanding of the difference between communication of innovation and communication for innovation to positively impact long-term market success and business-economic growth.
Communication of Innovation: The Idea of Open Innovation
The Social Web has changed information exchange worldwide. Both the consumption of content on new channels and platforms on-demand and active stakeholder involvement has a significant effect on innovation processes and communication. For instance, the active engagement of knowledge-empowered stakeholders in new product development and strategic innovation eventuate in community organizers who manage knowledge transfer within and across organizations and communities to successfully perform open innovation.
In this context, communication is defined as an enabler and critical factor for open innovation to coordinate all market-related innovation activities, disseminate new ideas and tech results as well as to successfully communicate the New. The three main communication approaches are as follows:
- 1. Innovation marketing
- 2. Marketing innovation diffusion
- 3. Corporate innovation communication
Communication of innovation has become of increased interest in the open innovation age. The fragmentation of communication management in different functions and fields including specific tools and techniques related to channels, platforms and markets has thereby also increased (Fig. 1). We experience more and more updates, news and press releases which spread the word, make a noise in the world, and disseminate innovation and hot buzzwords.
On the other hand, nothing has really changed. Despite advances in innovation and strategy, for instance, shared communication in corporate-startup partnerships, study results show that innovation communication—from idea generation until go-to-market—is of relatively low importance. It is the old schema of primary-secondary activities based on Porter’s value chain and the agency-based model based on functional communication management.
Re-Producing Dysfunctional Systems: Human Doings
So, what is then the problematic issue? Maybe we should only focus on the positive and ignore the shadow side meaning the change in systems, regression, financial meltdown, lost homes, jobs & regions and other human effects because it is only the ‘two sides of a coin’ phenomena.
Let’s take a deeper look at systems and understand dynamics in fast-changing, unpredictable and disruptive environments and how the role of human-leadership and communication has changed over the years to transform and create growth opportunities. A system is thereby defined as a dynamic relationship network, such as political, corporate and family systems.
System 1. Separation
The outside-(take)-in system and one-directional communication with human creators is one option, which leads to separation and fragmentation of systems, such as freelancers, agency-based models and external supply partners (outsourcing).
System 2. Enmeshed Relationship
The functional system view with different roles and functions in a hierarchy of human capital (the old world) and functional communication management (first mentioned by Grunig, 1984) create enmeshed relationships and hierarchy growth, such as top-down leadership information and interaction with authority figures.
System 3. Enmeshed² Relationship - Engagement Level
In the open system view exists a new understanding of human talents and innovators who give their talent and ideas to others within and across systems and engage in human-idea relationships to co-create and translate ideas into profit (= growth). Transactional communication means thereby to be fast & open (boundless), mostly storytelling-focused and engaged in co-working or any event, such as co-innovation initiatives, co-working meetups and crowd-powered innovation on social media platforms (e.g. crowdfunding, crowdpricing).
System 4. Enmeshed³ Relationship - Next Level
At the next level it is a conscience-free system and out-of-proportion growth of financial assets with power over human doings in reactive, fear-based situations based on greed, entitlement, deception and (self)betrayal. The ‘outspaced’ communication takes place in distorted realities and provokes an increased negativity on the scale of emotion, such as frustration, depression, envy, and hatred. All is becoming more or less interchangeable (e.g. copycats, apps, products and services) leading to human disconnection, splitting, co-dependency, and traumatizing events which can cause immense health problems, imbalance and stagnancy or even regression. It stops every normal, healthy evolution and true innovation.
Please be aware that a relationship consists of two entities who agree to stay in touch. These dynamic relationship networks only exist because all parties allow those types of relationships (No blaming!).
A real-life example of what it means to be out of sync in communication which creates resentment and frustration: Imagine you are missing a baggage with high-value personal items after your arrival and have to call the parcel service provider to find out where your piece of luggage might be. You are calling the hotline number and hear a nice instructive IT-based agent voice who misdirects or ignores your problem. In fact, it is a time-consuming ‘I can’t understand you either’ dialog until you finally reach out to a human being to get an answer and find a solution.
It is important to better understand diversion tactics and what triangulation, smear campaigns, judgement, etc. and outspaced communication really mean. In my humble opinion, every school teacher, professor and leader should learn about those concepts and be aware of it to not engage or support those activities.
What can you do in those enmeshed relationship networks and communication dynamics?
Choice 1: At least active! Being a Refugee > Mobility
The first solution concentrates on the ‘way out’ of an enmeshed, unhealthy situation in which personal development and survival isn’t possible. But it is sometimes only a choice between ‘unhealthy and unhealthy’ and in sad situations it is worst, for instance, (1) somebody is going back to an unhealthy, destructive situation or (2) move to another system at the cost of one’s health, family or even life. But, of course, this active approach can also help to find a better situation and starting from scratch can be a pure moment of experiencing life.
Choice 2: #Consumption makes me happy! Living in Denial > Immobility
The second ‘way out’ seems easier in terms of trying to deny, being not aware and avoiding to see, speak and live the truth. It is the ‘way in’ to belong which means to actively choose being a supply, living with distraction and pretending to be happy with consumption, addiction and new methods & tools as a reactive toolbox and shortcut approach to make it more lean, agile,… or whatever is helping to adjust to the system and situation. A thought could be: ‘It is not too bad and my neighbor or colleague or the business X is living and functioning even worse.’
As a result, mobility is nowadays a key theme and for many people of increased interest including new methods and tools, for instance, design thinking and (co-)working models. Then the question arises whether we can use a new method to re-think innovation and apply new working models in those enmeshed systems to change for the better or to the contrary create even more fragmentation of systems and exhaustion, frustration and resentment as a new barrier for growth.
What does it really mean to focus on the cause and provide a true solution for long-term personal and business-economic growth?
Communication for Innovation (Growth): Human BEings
After presenting a brief review of the development of communication in separated and enmeshed systems, I would like to provide a solution and answer to the main questions.
Communication is only an enabler in dysfunctional systems. In general, communication is at the core of a system and, hence, it offers a true solution for long-term growth and considers contribution, core and experience assets rather than only financial assets. What if communication is a skill set that can be trained to allow human beings to connect, grow their ideas and thrive as individuals in growth zones. Do we have a new communication approach for innovation?
1. Innovation Communication: What is it?
First, it is crucial to understand under which circumstances a human being can thrive and grow ideas which allow to change a situation for the better and transition into a new reality (transformation).
Communication is active and takes place in an open, mutual space. Both individuals commit to share a common ground and carry on an innovation dialog, as illustrated in Fig 3. Both individuals relate in a healthy way and use communications to connect, interact and learn in this open, mutual space. It is a back-and-forth idea exchange in sync with a responsive partner who participates and emotionally connect with the other dialog partner in a present, meaningful, and enriching manner.
From a learning perspective, this open, mutual space becomes an open learning space. Creating this open learning space at both individual and collective levels requires communication skills and an interaction style and communication blueprint which allow to open up to new viewpoints and lead conversations respectful and with a fresh mind.
As far as leadership is concerned, the open learning space becomes the impact space—the in-between, becoming space in transitions—to achieve greater impact and lead productive teams in modern systems. It is the unknown territory which requires to become a pioneer in terms of making the conscious effort and creating new verbal expressions including neuronal pathways to envision future systems, facilitate innovation readiness and promote discipline, accountability and strategic alignment (leadership effectiveness). That can lead to a healthy growth mindset for all involved individuals in a shared, collective open learning space. I recommend to watch the inspiring TED talk about liminality by Marianne Cantwell.
Innovation communication is thereby a new communication field and dynamic capability (skill set) with tools and techniques to enlarge the open learning space for individuals resp. the impact space for leaders—the growth zone from the edge of the comfort zone to the panic zone, shown in Fig. 3.
SOLUTION: System 5. Connected System – Human-Leadership
Let’s come back to the state of being and drafting a new system map to create long-term growth.
Individuals can discover, understand and (co-)create growth zones. Growth zones are connected with other growth zones through human connections and their contributions and expanding skill sets (expanding communication), as shown in Fig. 4. In those connected systems expanding communication requires mindfulness, human connection and healthy boundaries based on standards and values.
As far as leadership is concerned, being a leader involves commitment and accountability for actions, thoughts and words and, hence, every human being is a leader in his or her own life. That means as a human being we embrace the impact space, stand ground in the individual growth zone and create new verbal expressions incl. neuronal pathways to experience new actions, thoughts, and results. We cannot outsource and separate communication from ourselves and become the person who we want to become and grow in life (the same is true for any system!)—leader in life stands for ‘lead by example’ and role model engagement for other individuals and the changemakers of tomorrow.
Innovation communication capability (skill set): How you think, relate, communicate and lead in growth zones. Fig. 4 highlights four specific tools to teach and practice those skills.
2. Innovation Communication Tools: How can we do it?
One important tool for effective innovation communication is the reflective innovation dialog (Fig. 4) based on critical thinking and, more precisely, the full-spectrum questioning technique.
Thinking in a critical way leads to productive thinking which helps to "take on wider, more powerful and useful views of ideas" (Collison et al., 2000: 127). The technique of full-spectrum questioning thereby "can serve as a sort of scaffold [...] to frame questions in a reflective dialogue" (ibid. p. 142).
The reflective innovation dialog is a visual tool with five questioning sections to systematically grow ideas, envision future directions and create space for opposing thoughts and new viewpoints. Furthermore, this (self-)training tool uses scenario cards to think about possible scenarios in case of certain events and become more flexible in problem solving and framing questions in innovation dialogs with prevention and promotion-focused individuals. You can download the reflective innovation dialog template here.
Critical thinking is a process, the goal of which is to make reasonable decisions about what to believe and what to do. (Ennis, 1996)
A critical thinker raises vital questions and problems […] thinks open-mindedly within alternative systems of thought, […] communicates effectively with others in figuring out solutions to complex problems. (Richard Paul and Linda Elder, 2008)
The Communicating Mind: Re-Think Leadership for Long-Term Growth
The solution: Innovation communication is a skill set for human beings to adopt a healthy growth mindset (re-think) and advanced co-creation (re-focus) to create long-term growth opportunities.
Finally, a beautiful growth inspiration for you:
“An anonymous text from the Tradition says that, in life, each person can take one of two attitudes: to build or to plant. The builders might take years over their tasks, but one day, they finish what they’re doing. Then they find they’re hemmed in by their own walls. Life loses its meaning when the building stops. Then they are those who plant. They endure storms and all the many vicissitudes of the seasons, and they rarely rest. But, unlike a building, a garden never stops growing. And while it requires the gardener’s constant attention, it also allows life for a gardener to be a great adventure. Gardeners always recognize each other, because they know that in the history of each plant lies the growth of the whole World.” Paulo Coelho
Maybe you have heard about the Chinese’s bamboo? Within the first five years this plant establishes its root system under the earth and, hence, we cannot see great results on the perceptive surface. After the fifth year this plant is able to have this skyrocket growth and resist storms and all the many vicissitudes of the seasons because in the first years this plant takes its time to create a strong foundation. Remember, the good things in life take time to grow and need a good foundation, positive nourishment, skills, patience and focus so that one day you will see the true value and positive, long-lasting impact on your situation, business and system.
Innovation communication is key to skyrocket in the open innovation economy! And ‘to skyrocket’ means to better relate and co-create ideas, businesses and systems for long-term growth—the inside-out approach in modern communication management is ‘communication for innovation’.

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