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Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

It’s Easy. New Leaders Are Surfers.

by Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann, February 27, 2025

Is it really difficult to be a leader? According to HBR-published study’s results by Giles, global leaders primarily understand their leadership competencies in (1) empowering self-organizing while giving clear directions, (2) fostering a sense of connection and belonging through open communication, (3) encouraging learning as well as showing openness to new ideas, and (4) providing a sense of safety and ethics.

“While some may not surprise you, they’re all difficult to master, in part because improving them requires acting against our nature.” Giles

Become a surfer not a captain! This article argues that being a new leader in the digitalized information age is easier than ever before. It is the natural process of finding the right moment to make a decision. It is about becoming a surfer rather than being a captain of a team. The key themes are ‘Role Model’, ‘Team & Motivation’, ‘Attitude’, and ‘Responsibility’.

I. Catching the Right Moment: About Finding Not Discovery

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” John Kabat-Zinn

Role Model: Speaking in the metaphor, as a surfer you are catching the wave in the right moment to surf it. You learn how to surf and practice every day to gain a better understanding of how to ride waves. Surfing is not driven by the idea that you see a wave coming in and then ask your team to surf for you. As a new leader you are completely in your role in a natural way of learning and progressing your skills to get to the next level. You are a role model for team members if you are in the ‘line-up‘ with your team to catch your own wave in the right moment and then let others find and catch their waves, for instance, the right moment to bring forward a new concept or undertake new tasks in agile project teams.

You find your own growth zone and enlarge this space every day by moving forward and giving your ideas a space to grow.

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

II. Engaging in the Present Moment: About Sharing Not Control

“The best surfer out there is the one having the most fun.” Phil Edwards

Team & Motivation: For a new leader it is important to understand that individuals are continuously involved in information processing and, therefore, change with new information and new experience. Individuals have their own evolving cognitive knowledge structures—their own navigation system and world map—that help them to self-organize their environment and relationships around them. That is critical to gain a better understanding of how to lead a motivated team of individuals in the digitalized information age. Related to surfing, surfers want to have fun and engage in the here and now to feel the energetic power of a new experience with every single wave because each time it is different. The best new leader is the one having most fun at what they are doing and being engaged in the present moment to share new information and experiences with team members; neither wanting to control new information or new experience nor controlling attributions and fun moments.

You share your world of ideas with others and become a co-imagination partner, someone who shares and spreads ideas to thrive.

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

III. Being in the Move – About the Flow Not Task

“Surfing is attitude dancing.” Gerry Lopez

Attitude: Dancing and surfing is about feeling the power of energy by being in the move. Bringing together both concepts ‘attitude’ and ‘dancing’, dancers and surfers have a strong state of mind of being in the movement, being open, and in the flow. “People dance because dancing can change things, one move can bring people together, one move can make you believe you are something more, …!” As for a new leader this means, it is a manner of thinking, feeling, and behaving that reflects the basic idea of active changing by being in the move. In business practice it is not about ‘showing openness for new ideas and encourage learning’ rather about making a move to bring forward new ideas in the flow—which describes the process of continuous idea-flow to solve problems and progress one’s skills.

You understand the idea of energy work and how tuning in and movement can make a difference in life.

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

IV. Building a Supportive Environment – About Growth Not Comfort

”Your surfing can get better on every turn, on every wave you catch. Learn to read the ocean better. A big part of my success has been wave knowledge.” Kelly Slater

Responsibility: Leaders cannot successfully engage individuals until they learn how to effectively shape and accelerate a supportive business environment and innovation culture. First and foremost, a new leader is responsible for having the knowledge required to step into, stand ground, and enlarge the individual (firm’s) growth zone (learning model), which means not only to ‘buy in’ but ‘get it’ in terms of understanding mental models and the importance of communication for innovation based on ethical standards and empowerment. As for the new leadership matrix, the four new leadership communication fields to facilitate information-innovation processes in digital business are: (1) Lean communication, (2) mental communication, (3) strategy communication, and (4) innovation communication.

You create a space for your team members to showcase progress, engage in innovation and spark new ideas.

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

What can you do today?

“I try changing my surfing, which is the absolute worst thing you can do. Everyone surfs their own way. If I try to surf like someone else I look like a dork.” Andy Irons

The best thing you can do today is to start figuring out how you can become a surfer, an individualist who has fun in doing what you do and learn how to catch your wave in the right moment. It is a work-lifestyle, the way of (1) being involved in the process and (2) (co-)creating and learning more about your environment—the ocean of possibilities—i.e. mindful listening to co-workers, individuals, co-creators and talent around you. If you are in the flow ‘You feel it. Everything just clicks. And you become one.’ If you are a new leader you can start growing ideas in a supportive environment by adopting the amazing concept of surfing and dancing.

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

Four Recommendations for Becoming a Successful New Leader

Authentic Entrepreneurship: Being in the heart space and doing it anyway, anyhow,…

You feel it. Be it. Do it!

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication



Surfer quotes

HBR Study

About dancing

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

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Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

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