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Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

Strategy and Communication for Innovation

An Integrated Perspective on Innovation in the Digital Economy

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Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

Third Edition, 2017

The third edition provides guidance for managers seeking to understand the diverse ways by which they can leverage strategic activities and communication to accelerate value creation and innovation in the digital economy. A key theme is the provision of an integrated perspective to bridge the gap between innovation management and communication management at both strategic and operational levels. It also makes an important contribution to the evolving academic domain by providing the latest insights on innovation communication.

ISBN 978-3-319-49542-2

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Ideas are never more valued and debated than when their realization is insufficient. So it is right now with growth and innovation. […] Reviving innovation is increasingly predicated on effective communication in many important respects.

-Foreword 3rd Edition: Martin Reeves, senior partner and managing director BCG

Scope of Research


1. Innovation Dialog

Relationship View - Communication

Connecting with individuals in communities, presenting ideas and understanding the value of information-interaction design

2. Business Innovation

Management View - Innovation
Basis: Human CULTURE

Creating open learning spaces for employees and successfully translating (business) ideas from the creative world into action

3. Strategy & Leadership

Leadership View - Strategy

Leading productive teams in transition phases and effectively managing innovation communication to achieve greater impact

Re-Building Organizations


The dynamic capability framework of innovation communication allows a firm to design, implement and measure the innovation communication capability. The innovation communication capability is an integrated managerial skill set considering openness, interrelation and time/timing:


Strategic Communication Management

Value: Growth - Planning, monitoring and measuring communication activities in transition phases and growth zones (learning model: comfort, growth, panic)

  Openness: Realities and learning

  Interrelation: Activities, actions

  Time/Timing: Managing activities


Stakeholder Relationship Management

Value: Reputation & Engagement - Emotionally connecting with individuals and ideas in (non)verbal interactions in we and me-idea-level relationships

  Openness: Relationships/Interactions

  Interrelation: (Non)Verbal interaction

  Time/Timing: Communication patterns


Intelligent Information Management

Value: Resource Set - Discovering, sharing, and co-creating ideas (= multisensory input-output) in co-innovation and data management

  Openness: Co-working & creation

  Interrelation: Data and information

  Time/Timing: Matching data (ideas)


Capabilities Management

Value: Leadership - Creating new visions and viewpoints as well as establishing an innovation culture in the C-suite and new generation of leaders & co-workers

  Openness: Strategic views & culture

  Interrelation: (Ordinary) capabilities

  Time/Timing: Doing the right things


Design Management

Value: Image & Dialog - Communicating the New in open innovation processes and using dialog tools in pitch / go-to-market situations

  Openness: Open dialogs & channels

  Interrelation: Lean startup tools

  Time/Timing: Innovation process


Management Basics

Value: Foundation - Basic tasks related to entrepreneurship, business model innovation, digital business and communication management.

  Contract management, legal

  Finances, accounting, tax

  Facility, travel management

The ability to innovate - i.e. successfully introduce new products and services to the market - is a key success factor that underpins the profitability and competitive advantage of firms. ... From a strategic management perspective, communication represents a critical skill needed to explore and create the diverse routes for the commercialization of ideas across functions, organizations, and industries.

Ellen Enkel, Head of Dr. Manfred Bischoff Institute for Innovation Management
Strategy and Communication for Innovation, Springer Verlag, Foreword

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

The process of innovation involves at least three stages: Leveraging knowledge to generate ideas (idea creation), communicating about the adequacy of novel ideas to the top management based on the firm's strategic objectives (idea translation), and actually making innovative products and processes a reality (idea implementation).

Eduardo Rodriguez-Montemayor
Strategy and Communication for Innovation, Springer Verlag, p. 329

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

As innovations are created in social interactions, collaborative innovation is based on communication processes. An interdisciplinary view combining communication science, social theory, and management theory helps to reflect on the communicative dimension of actions and structures constituting today's organizations and their collective efforts to innovate.

Sabine Patsch and Ansgar Zerfass
Strategy and Communication for Innovation, Springer Verlag, p. 411-412

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

When business model innovation is the goal of top management teams, a variety of challenges are faced. Visual tools help to overcome the challenges firms face when innovating their current business model by fostering strategic change through clarifying, organizing, and uncovering relationships, dependencies, and pointing towards blue ocean strategies.

Martin J. Eppler and Friederike Hoffmann
Strategy and Communication for Innovation, Springer Verlag, p. 12

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

To communicate innovations successfully, it is vital to manage themes in a sychronized manner. Media relations, publications, Internet, and multimedia, marketing, and internal communication must all speak with one voice. As a result, it can make a major contribution to the company's success.

Ulrich Eberl
Strategy and Communication for Innovation, Springer Verlag, p. 369

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication