• Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann
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Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

Open-Flow E-Session

No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.

Robin Williams

What evokes deeper connection and engagement to spark new ideas, foster innovation and create a valuable future? It is simple: it is a coming together to share & spread ideas (co-imagination), to welcome new ideas and see possibilities (possibility thinking) and lead a reflective dialogue.

A true dialogue is an art form; it is a conversation with two individuals who want to genuinely share different mindsets, ideas & thoughts, and perspectives to enable growth. A reflective dialogue is an open conversation and involves critical thinking and the ability to pause, be present and reflect. With awareness and reflection we can embrace the openness to enter a true dialogue for inspiration and joy.

Open-Flow E-Session

This one-on-one e-coaching session will spark your creativity and remind you of the power of a new idea. It is a conversation that can bring you inspiration and can be an adventure for your soul and mind. It is not about pitching or presenting an idea or learn more about innovation communication. It is about an open flow of ideas & thoughts that can bring you new perspectives and a better understanding of the reflective innovation dialogue as a method for critical thinking.

You can embrace a new idea, share it and develop your possibility and abundant thinking. Become a more confident and effective leader—whether you spark new ideas or cultivate openness to enter a true dialogue. In a concrete way, you can make sense of and think critically about the impact of your idea and potential next steps.

PhD in Innovation Communication - Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann partners with business leaders and change makers to intentionally create a company's future and bring ideas into existence. With her background in strategy and communication for innovation she guides, teaches and facilitates leaders on their journey. She co-edited leadership books and offers insights, new perspectives and an interdiciplinary view to better communicate new ideas and reach a new level of innovation communication.

Connect with her and follow her on LinkedIn and discover her work and more on her website.

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Leadership, Strategy & Innovation, Innovation Communication

Service title: Open-Flow E-Session

Duration: 50min.

Language: English and/or German

Type: Online session

Service: Session

Date: As agreed

Payment: Advanced payment via bank transfer

Price TOTAL: 357Euro

Possibility Thinking

Understanding the importance of focusing on openness

100% Fostering Innovation

Being open for true dialogues to spark new ideas

The Art of Conversation

Learning about the reflective innovation dialogue

Reflection & Inspiration

Pause, reflect and become a more confident leader

Let's Get Started.


You can also purchase your online coaching service easily via e-mail and receive your confirmation and invoice via e-mail.


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Standard Price TOTAL: 357Euro
Included VAT, price per e-session
Advanced payment via bank transfer

Delivery date: As agreed
Delivery channel: Online session

You have any questions? Please send an e-mail to np@npfeffermann.de.

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