• Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann
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Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Theme Page Leadership, Strategy and Communication for Innovation

Advanced Strategy and Communication for Innovation Roadmap

Inspired thoughts and new insights for leaders, gamechanger and human (self)leaders

Step 1. The Strategy Foundation

Open Strategy Architecture with ICOM Palette and SEMT Method

Strategy needs a new system design to link strategy with innovation and integrate new perspectives. The Open Strategy Architecture is a new system for leaders to consider the meta level of strategy and is divided into four main themes: (1) Strategic positioning with agile business model innovation, (2) strategy for innovation with visionary ideas, (3) dynamic strategy with co-creation, and (4) strategy innovation with co-imagination.

Second, it is important to understand the role of innovation communication in all four themes. Innovation communication is a communication field, skillset and toolset, not only in corporate communication / PR but also in strategy and leadership.

Strategy also means to embrace reflecting about the art of thinking for strategyzing and rethinking how to do strategy. SEMT is a human-centered, refined thinking approach--anchored in reflection, visualization and communication--to better strategyze and bridge the gap between theory (idea) and practice (new reality).

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Theme Page Leadership, Strategy and Communication for Innovation

Step 1. The Strategy Foundation: Three To Dos

Focus: Implementing the Open Strategy Architecture

The conceptual framework with its four themes and tools needs defined implementation activities appropriate to each stage, understanding barriers and enablers, and creating an implementation team. In a second step it is important to consider sub-activities, for instance, business model innovation including communication model innovation and value chain transformation. The OSA framework consists of a set of guiding standards to link strategy and innovation and is designed to be flexible and adaptive, allowing organizations of all sizes to tailor its implementation to their specific needs.

Focus: Developing the Innovation Communication Palette

Understanding the importance of innovation communication for all four themes of the OSA framework is the first step for developing a successful innovation communication palette. The innovation communication palette focuses on openness, interrelation and timing/time--based on the dynamic capability approach of innovation communication--to successfully communicate the New, spread and adopt new ideas, become a thought leader, and co-communicate to co-create and innovate. The palette is key for leaders to effectively communicate innovation and makes a difference in showing up as a leader. Innovation needs communication.

Focus: Better Strategyzing with the SEMT approach

SEMT has evolved and can positively influence the long-term success of a business, team, collaboration and/or personal endeavor. The dynamic process consists of three basic steps and can be done alone or in a collaborative team: (1) Focus & Reflect, (2) Visualize, and (3) Navigate and Inspire. To think and communicate in a certain way can empower you to change how you act and experience it. It is our reflection, silence and visualization power and our inspired words that help our empowered idea / strategy to grow and become a reality. Be future-ready and implement the SEMT approach in your organization.

Step 2. Leadership Communication

New Leadership Communication with 'ICOM' Spaces and NLB Framework

Leadership and communication are inseparable. Communication is a responsibility for leaders. Great leaders communicate to create environments where people feel empowered and seen, where people like to share their ideas and co-create. New leadership communication is non-hierarchical, awareness-driven und empathetic. A new mindset/attitude is a must-have for new leaders to spark innovation and fuel engagement in today's world, raise awareness and create higher values to make an impact, to prioritize purpose for building a better organization and world, and to unleash aspirational capital.

Second, great leaders need a space to welcome new ideas, tap into the realm of what can be possible and spread new ideas. The 'imagination-communication' space is a place to understand the power of collective imagination and communication for innovation.

True empowerment starts with a new leadership blueprint. It is a new foundation for leaders to think, communicate, and lead differently. The new framework focuses on four main innovation fields and communication skills to embody a new understanding of being a leader.

Step 2. Leadership Communication: Three To Dos

Focus: Shifting to New Leadership Communication

New leadership communication focuses on expression, relationship, and engagement to co-create a new future (reality) and rethink businesses for growth and innovation. New practices, such as active listening, holding space and being present without judgement and distraction, and talking together to inspire, value and see others, and exchange ideas, are essential to move beyond being an individual and empowering others. New leadership communication should be therefore a new mindset and skillset for every leader in a company.

Focus: Creating 'Imagination-Communication' Spaces

One of the new systematic processes in a dynamic, future-ready organization is collective imagination and it needs new spaces to build a unique human skill set and harness the power of imagination. This includes to understand communication as a key part in this process. A company needs open, modulare 'imagination-communication' spaces as a creative-driven outdoor lounge/showroom platform to communicate for innovation: Amplifying the idea by making it socially significant, resonating with others and accelerating idea evolution.

Focus: Cultivating the New Leadership Blueprint

Sustainable and successful transformation through innovation requires to understand the four main innovation fields and communication as a new leader: (1) Open innovation with open communication, (2) Strategy innovation with visionary, strategic communication, (3) Business innovation (AI-driven, digital) with communication model design / strategy communication for innovation, and (4) Cultural innovation with value/aspiration-based, new leadership communication. When communication is effective, so is innovation. Innovation communication is the overall discipline to make innovation successful. The new blueprint for new leaders needs to be cultivated to see results.

Step 3. Leadership Next Level

Human (Self)Leadership with Empower Humans and I-COM View

Human (self)leadership brings self-leadership and human leadership together. The idea is to go on a journey beyond empowerment (new leadership communication) and value-based leadership, culture and impact. Diving deeper into self-concept, self-definition and self-reflection is key to self-improve and positively engage with human (self)leaders. Human (self)leaders unlock the leader within and share a positive mindset. They work on themselves and combine this inner work with new traits, standards, etc. to better lead and help others to grow and become their best version. It is about prioritizing well-being.

In fact, self-leadership goes hand in hand with human leadership to value and train a unique human skillset leading to co-creation (innovation) and an invaluable future for humanity.

Dr. Nicole Pfeffermann | Theme Page Leadership, Strategy and Communication for Innovation

Step 3. Leadership Next Level: Three To Dos

Focus: Introducing the Human (Self)Leadership Perspective

Ready for a new outlook on leadership and innovation? The new perspective 'human (self)leadership' is key for a new type of organization where human (self) leaders are valued and interactions create value based on the new value chain 'communication value chain'. The boundaries between management and leadership blur and we enter a new human (imagination) era. Innovation is communication, the collective imagination power, and, hence, awareness-driven innovation communication is the solution to shift from change to true self-improvement and a new understanding about innovation (tools, methods and mindset).

Focus: Learning with the Empower Humans Program

Empower Humans is the program for becoming a human (self)leader. It is a program to discover and develop personal strength, focused attention and human (self)leadership skills. But which type of learning journey do you prefer? A lecture with proposed solutions, a vision board and back-and-forth exchange with a responsive partner to (re)think and manifest a new reality or a value-based approach with a purpose in mind to make a contribution? Find out more about your learning concept and how to use the right learning tools for your journey. Learn about abundance, clarity and humility and how mind and heart work together.

Focus: Transforming with the New I-COM View

Transformation is needed to become not only future-ready as an organization but to prioritize well-being. The new I-COM view stands for the balance between innovation and communication, advancement and trust, and functional and relational view. It encompasses to better see possibilities, contemplate and comprehend how to invest in new possibilities and use the synthesizing mind to tap into a synergetic potential to create new ideas and perspectives. An example for how to develop I-COM-based frameworks is the awareness-driven approach of innovation communication.